William Shatner, 91, Reflects On End Of Life Nearing In New Documentary

William Shatner (Image: Getty)

For 91-year-old Star Trek star William Shatner, his recent documentary “You Can Call Me Bill” is a message in a bottle to his grandchildren and future generations. As the long-time actor of Captain James T. Kirk comes to terms with the end of his life, he reflects on a fulfilling career and life surrounded by loving family members.

The film was his attempt to “explore the truth” and rethink old perspectives, he said in an interview with Variety.

“Whether I keel over as I’m speaking to you or 10 years from now, my time is limited, so that’s very much a factor,” he said. “I’ve got grandchildren. This documentary is a way of reaching out after I die.”

Shatner, who is also known for being the most elderly person to travel space, is a family man. A father to three daughters Leslie, Melanie and Lisabeth, he recounted frequent family holidays, hangouts and reunions with his children.

He revealed that what is important and remembered is not always an empire of a legacy, but rather the good deeds that one does. In his documentary, he briefly explained a decision to not attend a co-star’s funeral — one which had been very heavily publicly criticized — clarifying that he had already committed to leading a red cross fundraiser at Mar-A-Lago.

“Statues are torn down. Graveyards are ransacked. Headstones are knocked over. No one remembers anyone,” Shatner said. “If you do a good deed, it reverberates to the end of time. It’s the butterfly effect thing. That’s why I have done this film.”


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