Nurse says healthcare professionals are the biggest red flags when it comes to dating

During a recent podcast appearance, an American nurse warned people off dating healthcare professionals as she dubbed herself and her colleagues as red flags.

If you’re wondering what all this flag talk is about, then you’ll need to know that the red, yellow, and green flags relate to how cautious you should be about a relationship. An example could be ignoring boundaries, relationship expert Barbie Adler earlier said.

Why are nurses walking red flags?

While appearing on Mark Dohner’s Podcast at the end of June, nurse Samantha Gilbert got incredibly honest about why her profession does not create the best partners.

“They’re hard to relate to. I was married to someone that was not in a healthcare profession. He didn’t understand that when I came home from work, I wanted silence because of the contestant bells going off, the constant demand for 12 hours to be needed,” she told Mark. “It’s just high energy and I want to come home to quiet.”

She added: “I don’t want to make decisions, I just need the home to be my safe space. And they don’t get it, they don’t understand the difference between a good night and a bad night and the insides to it.”

Though Samantha completely understood that such a relationship must have been difficult for her ex-husband, she said that “faking” it only poses more issues.

Sure, she could go on that date or catch up with her husband, but she can’t get past the patient that just died or the countless horrific experiences posed in a hospital.

So while we all love healthcare professionals and the incredible work they do, maybe try dating a barista In the future?

Most people understood

Beneath Mark’s video, hundreds of people celebrated the impressive work of healthcare professionals while also sharing their understanding of how difficult the job is.

“My wife is a nurse, and it can definitely be challenging but ultimately made it work by giving her the space she needed when she came home,” one man said.

“My husband is a physician. His one request at home while picking a movie or tv show…nothing dramatic,” another confessed, as a third said, “Totally correct, however if your partner really loves you they put in the work to understand. My hubs is the absolute best.”