French police make several arrests after Olympic terrorist threats

The Olympic rings and the Paralympic Games logo can be seen on a sign on a construction fence in front of the Eiffel Tower. Robert Michael/dpa

French police have made several arrests in connection with terrorist threats made against the upcoming Olympic Games in Paris, authorities said on Friday.

"The threat remains extremely high," Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin said in an interview on the BFMTV channel, confirming that the arrests were made in two separate locations.

Darmanin gave no further details on the number of arrests but said they were linked to two separate plots that anti-terrorist authorities are treating as terrorist threats.

The minister added that the arrests were not previously publicly announced due to the first round of parliamentary elections on Sunday.

France has been on its highest terrorism alert level since March ahead of the Olympics, which begin on July 26. A terrorist plot to target an Olympic football match was foiled by investigators in May.