Russia to respond militarily to new US long-range weapons in Germany

Russia intends to respond militarily to the planned deployment of large-scale US weapons in Germany, a top Russian Foreign Ministry official told the state news agency TASS on Thursday.

Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said in St. Petersburg that Russian security would be compromised by such weapons.

It was "a link in the chain of escalation" of NATO and the United States towards Russia, he said.

"We will work out a primarily military response to this without showing nerves or emotions." He did not give any details.

On the sidelines of the NATO summit, the White House and the German government announced that, for the first time since the Cold War, US weapons systems with the capability of reaching Russia are to be stationed in Germany.

From 2026, deployments of Tomahawk cruise missiles with a range of well over 2,000 kilometres, SM-6 anti-aircraft missiles and newly developed supersonic weapons are to provide better protection for NATO allies in Europe.

However, the start of the planned deployment is more than a year after the US presidential election in November, and could be reversed by former Republican president Donald Trump if re-elected.

Ryabkov, who is responsible for strategic armaments issues, ruled out the possibility of a repeat of the developments following NATO's so-called Double-Track Decision during the Cold War.

In 1979, the trans-Atlantic alliance announced the stationing of medium-range nuclear missiles and cruise missiles in Western Europe. At the same time, pressure was put on negotiations with the then Soviet Union, which ultimately led to the major nuclear disarmament treaties of the 1980s.

Ryabkov said he could not imagine what the US and Germany were now aiming for.

"They can hardly count on this experience being repeated. The situation has changed fundamentally."

The weapons are being deployed in light of Russia's war against Ukraine, which Moscow started more than two years ago, and in response to Russia's overall aggressive behaviour towards NATO and EU states.