Germany strikes deal to phase out Chinese-made parts from 5G network

German Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser takes part in a press conference on the completion of the testing of critical components in 5G communication networks. Michael Kappeler/dpa

The German government has reached an agreement with Chinese telecommunications providers Huawei and ZTE to remove Chinese-made components from the German 5G mobile network by 2029.

Interior Minister Nancy Faeser on Thursday confirmed that a deal has been struck, saying that the government had closely examined the risks involved.

"We have now made a clear and strict decision," she said, adding: "Critical components may no longer be used in the core network by the end of 2026 at the latest. In the access and transport networks, the critical management systems must be replaced by the end of 2029 at the latest."

The core network primarily involves large data centres, while access networks connect consumers to mobile network providers.

Faeser said the deal would protect Germany's critical infrastructure. "We are protecting the communications of citizens, businesses and the state. We must reduce security risks and, unlike in the past, avoid one-sided dependencies. We must become more independent and more crisis-proof," the minister asserted.

Earlier, a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman said in Beijing that the German government should evaluate providers of 5G mobile network technology without political considerations. Politicizing economic, commercial and technological issues only serves to disrupt cooperation, said Lin Jian.

The spokesman said China hopes that Germany would respect facts, take appropriate decisions and provide a transparent and non-discriminatory market environment for businesses from all countries.

The involvement of Chinese firms such as Huawei in the construction and running of 5G networks has been the subject of debate across Europe in recent years, amid concerns that China could gain access to sensitive data.

Lin noted that Huawei and other Chinese companies have been active in Europe for several years and have helped to build high-quality infrastructure. The companies have created jobs and paid taxes, he said, maintaining there is no evidence that they are jeopardizing national security.

German Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser takes part in a press conference on the completion of the testing of critical components in 5G communication networks. Michael Kappeler/dpa
German Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser takes part in a press conference on the completion of the testing of critical components in 5G communication networks. Michael Kappeler/dpa

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