Dame Julie Walters urges government to fund dementia research

Dame Julie Walters urges the government to keep its promise on dementia research funding.

The 71-year-old actress has joined over 44,000 people to hold the UK government to deliver on its promise to double the funding for dementia research made during the 2019 election.

She said: “As someone who witnessed the effects of dementia growing up, I am proud to be standing with the tens of thousands of people who are calling on the government to deliver on its election promise to double investment into researching the condition. My grandmother had vascular dementia and she lived with us when we were kids. We didn’t really understand her symptoms, but we all loved her to bits. I still don’t know how my mother coped having to care for her and look after three young children.

“It’s appalling that over half of us know someone affected by dementia, yet there are no treatments to slow, stop or prevent it. Far too many families are being forced to experience the pain dementia causes on a daily basis because of the lack of treatments and to put it simply, enough is enough."

It comes as 94% of researchers fear they will not be able to get funding to continue their research there are less opportunities to raise money due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

Julie added: “There is an urgent need for research to bring about life-changing treatments for people affected by dementia. With the tragic impact COVID-19 has had on those with the condition, the funding promised by government is more critical now than it ever has been and it’s clear the public agrees. I’d urge everyone to sign this petition, so we can make it clear to government that we will not let their promise be cast aside.”

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