Julianne Moore: I've been so lucky to have kids in later life

Julianne Moore believes she’s been “so lucky” to have a family in later life.

The 60-year-old actress tied the knot with Bart Freundlich in 2003 and has son Caleb, 23, and daughter Liv, 19, with him, and has said she feels thankful she was able to be “laser focused” on her career in her 20s, as she didn’t have her first child until she was 37.

Speaking about her family, she said: “I have been so lucky, I really have,” she says. “As a young person I was hard-working, laser-focused. I was persistent and consistent, always prepared for an audition, always on time. And I was working really well. But I did find my personal life wasn’t successful, and it wasn’t until I was in my early 30s that I decided, ‘I want that too.’ I wanted to have a family, to have children and to make sure I was with someone who wanted to have children too.”

Julianne also made the conscious decision to allow her children to grow up without moving home, because she didn’t think her own upbringing – which saw her regularly move to different military bases due to her father’s career – was “ideal”.

She added: “I don’t regret how I grew up - it was very interesting. I loved the exposure, but I don’t think it was ideal. I wanted my children to have a sense of identity based around being in one place.”

The ‘Still Alice’ star turned 60 in December, but doesn’t see ageing as something “negative” because she thinks it’s a “privilege to continue to age”.

She said: “It seems so silly to talk about it as something negative when it is a privilege to continue to age.”

And speaking about her youthful looks, Julianne told The Sunday Times newspaper’s Style magazine: “My mother has a lot to do with it because she wouldn’t let us go in the sun. She couldn’t be in the sun and I look just like her. I wear a sunscreen on my face every day and a hat too.”

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