Christine Quinn: I've been having amazing post-partum sex

Christine Quinn has been having “amazing” sex following the birth of her first child.

The ‘Selling Sunset’ and her husband Christian Richard welcomed a son named Christian Georges Dumontet into the world just over four weeks ago, and now that Christine is “completely healed”, she’s begun getting intimate with her spouse again.

She said: “I am completely healed. Finally.”

And when told she was “glowing”, she added: “Thank you. It’s because, after a month, I finally had sex. … Yeah, I did. It was after a month. It was amazing. It was great. Popped an Ambien, got some Dom [Pérignon]. It was nice. It was really good.”

Christine also joked her husband “knows how to control” himself after going a month without sex.

She explained: “He’s really good at, like, holding it back. He’s, like, a pro. He knows how to control it.”

Although the 32-year-old beauty is once again getting intimate with her husband, she isn’t too sure about having a second child after undergoing an emergency C-section to have her son delivered safely.

Speaking during an appearance on SiriusXM’s ‘Jeff Lewis Live’, she said: “It’s hard because everyone asks this. I’m like, ‘After that blowout of a situation? Edward Scissorhands at Cedar Sinai? I’m not really sure. I’m not too thrilled to be signing up right now.’ ”

Christine announced her son’s birth last month, when she said the tot – whom she affectionately calls Baby C – is “more precious” than she could have ever imagined.

She said: "Baby C is more precious that I could have ever imagined. Nine months seems like a lifetime to wait to meet someone. It is the most incredible feeling to know that you have created life. My protective mama bear mentality is stronger than ever. My sole job is to protect him, to love him and to raise him.

"Let's just say he was born with good taste. He has a closet filled with designer outfits that I cannot wait to dress him in!"

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