Bucks Fizz'star Jay Aston's daughter's meningitis battle

Bucks Fizz star Jay Aston's daughter was rushed to hospital with bacterial meningitis.

Jay, 60, revealed that Josie, 18, was put in an induced coma last month after her organs began to fail and the teenager is currently in a specialist kidney unit.

Jay told the Daily Mirror newspaper: "It’s been absolutely devastating. We were told it was 50/50 whether she would pull through. We still don’t know when she’ll be coming home.

"I sat by her bedside night after night willing her to make it. I couldn’t believe this was her fate, because she’s such a lovely person. She’s outgoing, kind, good-willed and full of life. It just felt so cruel.

"She’s my world – we’re ridiculously close. I just couldn’t imagine being without her."

After Josie developed a rash on her arm, Jay and her guitarist husband, Dave Colquhoun, suspected meningitis as he had contracted it 19 years before.

And the couple turned to prayer to get them through.

Jay said: "Dave and I are quite religious so we both did a lot of praying. There were tears, but I wanted to hold it together for both of us – he was very upset."

Although Josie is out of her coma, Jay admitted she has a long road to recovery ahead of her.

She said: "The doctors and nurses have been incredible. They’re still not happy with the results of her blood tests, so she’s having blood transfusions and kidney dialysis. Her kidneys are recovering, but not fully working.

"She’s had difficulties standing because of the pain in her feet and one toe was completely black. It’s quite common to lose limbs when you have meningitis so badly. We thought they might have to amputate it, but luckily, it’s coming back.

“Josie has been incredibly brave, but her spirits are low. She’s desperate to get home. There have been blood transfusions, ECGs, she’s got a big line in her neck and she’s been on and off dialysis. She’s not going to be well for months, possibly the rest of the year."

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