McFly star Harry Judd named baby son after cricketer

Harry Judd and his wife Izzy named their new baby son after a cricketer.

The couple welcomed little Lockie into the world in October and revealed they originally had a different choice of moniker in mind for the tot, but the name of New Zealand bowler Lockie Ferguson stuck out when the violinist joined her spouse in watching his favourite sport on TV.

Speaking to OK! magazine, Izzy explained: "We had another name for him for quite a long time, but we weren’t 100 per cent on it.

"Then we were watching cricket because Harry’s a big cricket fan, and I heard the name of a player called Lockie Ferguson, and I was like, ‘Lockie is nice'."

Harry added: “And I was like, ‘That’s a really cool name. I like that.’ Then it kind of developed. That’s the reason!"

Harry and Izzy are also parents to Lola, six, and Kit, four, and the drummer says the kids are thrilled to have a new baby brother.

He said: "They love hugging Lockie and whenever I’m holding Lockie, Kit comes over and starts hugging me."

The couple - who underwent fertility treatment to have their eldest child before conceiving their sons naturally - had agreed to compromise on having three children, but the 'All About You' hitmaker admitted he's slowly coming round to his 38-year-old wife's dream of having four.

Asked about having more children, Harry said: “I used to say I wanted two, but Izzy has always said she wanted four, so we had to meet in the middle."

Izzy added: "We have one more frozen embryo and I often think how that could be another Lola. But now that we’ve had our boys, I think we’re done now.”

Harry continued: “Whenever Lola would cry and Kit would kick off, I was like, ‘Do you really want another one?!’ And then just one day, I remember we were talking about Kit going to school and I said, ‘I just can’t believe he’s going to school!’ I was just like, ‘Yeah, we’ve got to do it – we’ve got to at least try.’

And to be honest with you, without sounding smug because Kit was not easy, but so far Lockie – touch wood – has been an easy baby, so I’m already thinking, ‘Have another one!’”

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