Lisa Snowdon thought she was 'going mad' with menopause

Lisa Snowdon felt like she was "going mad" when she began going through the menopause.

The 50-year-old model recalled feeling "completely alone and lost" when she began experiencing various physical and mental symptoms as her hormone levels began to change because she had no idea what was happening to her.

She recalled: "I felt completely alone and lost. It was years of feeling awful and angry and sleep deprived, with skin, hair and body changes. I ended up putting on quite a bit of weight, and when you don’t know what’s happening, you feel like you’re going mad."

Lisa was initially prescribed antidepressants to help with the "low and anxious" feelings she had, but it took HRT (hormone replacement therapy) for her to finally feel like she had her "brain back".

She told Britain's OK! magazine: "In my early forties I started developing an out-of-control feeling, and felt very low and anxious. I couldn’t pinpoint why. I was prescribed antidepressants, but they didn’t feel like the answer.

"Looking back, that was the start of my perimenopause, but I didn’t know about it at the time. Over the next few years more symptoms developed, and I went to a few doctors.

"Then last year I met Dr Naomi Potter, who I now do my Midweek Menopause Madness series with on Instagram Live.

"She got me on the right HRT, and it’s been a game changer. I’ve got my brain back and I can sleep again. It’s something that I couldn’t be without.

"That’s why I’m so passionate about discussing it – I want women to recognise what’s happening and make informed decisions."

Being candid about the changes she's been going through has helped Lisa - who is engaged to George Smart - to establish an online support network.

She said: "I was being very honest on social media throughout that time, and my followers and I DM each other all the time – they all feel like friends now. That makes it a less lonely time."

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