Connie Britton makes rare comments about boyfriend

Connie Britton has an "amazing man" in her life.

The 55-year-old actress - who was previously married to director John Britton in the 1990s and now has 12-year-old adoptive son Eyob - revealed that she has actually been in a relationship with an writer called David since 2019 whom she met after attending a friend's 50th birthday bash.

She said: "To have to try to truly fill both of those roles. And so I, I often have to just, and I mean, I actually, we, I have an amazing man in my life now and he is definitely stepping into that more paternal role. [We've been together] like three years. Right before COVID we started dating. Like November before Covid. He's a writer. We were. We actually were. We, we went, I went to my dear friend’s 50th birthday. And realized, I walked into his party and I was like, ‘oh my gosh, I don’t know a single soul at this party.’ But I was like, ‘it’s okay, I just wanna celebrate him. It’s his 50th birthday.’"

The 'White Lotus' star went on to explain that she will "never forget" the moment she first laid eyes on her now-partner because she instantly felt as if she wanted to meet him.

Speaking on SiriusXM's 'Andy Cohen Live', she added: "And so I’m talking to my friend and he looks past me and he sees David across the room and he is like, ‘there’s someone here you have to meet.’ And it was like, I’ll never forget that moment because I turned around and I looked at who he was pointing at and I was like, ‘oh yeah, I wanna meet him.’ And then we didn’t, we actually didn’t meet that night because it was like, you know, sit down dinner, separate tables, whatever. And I was like, I have to get home to Yo because I have to wake up early. And my friend was like, ‘wait, wait, wait. I wanted to introduce you to David.’ I’m like, ‘you know what, just have him email me.’"

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